Sunday, November 23, 2014

Through the Inspiration of Billy Collins

Through the Ages

At 4,
     I was a cute little kid, full of imagination and giggles.

At 14,
     I was just in the beginning of that "awkward teenager phase."

At 18,
     I will probably be stressed out from the college life of maturity and responsibility.

Memories of Being Young

In and out, in and out, up and down, up and down.
My friend and I running into different rooms,
on the different levels of the house.

Giggling, smiling, having a blast,
we are balls of energy.
Imagining far off places,
castles and magic,
not everything is what it seems.

All is fun, until the doorbell rings.
That's our cue to run and hide,
for us the fun shall never die.
Into the guest room, we run inside;
Crawling under the bed, we hide.

We squeeze our small bodies,
trying to fit under the bed.
Making sure to not show our feet
nor a head.
We suppress our loud laughter,
as we hear the door open.
Hoping we are never to be found.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Title of Book: Disney's Treasury of Children's Classics
Author: N/A
Author's Bio: N/A
# of pages: 421

The cover of the book is gold and presents picture of some of the characters from the stories like Snow White, Aladdin, Pinocchio, Simba & Timon , and Beauty & the Beast.

The book in all its glory.
(Because there were so many stories, I chose Beauty & The Beast to use to answer the following questions.)

  • Prince/Beast
  • Enchantress
  • Belle
  • Gaston
  • Maurice
  • Mrs. Potts
  • Chip
  • Lumiere
  • Cogsworth

The setting happens in a town and castle in "a faraway land."

Because of her father's actions, Belle is forced to live in a castle with a Beast. Scared at first, she beginnings to grow frond of him- love him. A pursuer of Belle's becomes jealous of her feelings towards the Beast and stabs him- Belle realizes she loves the dying Beast, tells him, and he turns into a handsome prince upon this confession of love. And they all lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

(I reverted back to talking about the book in general from here on out...)

Does this book... (Yes/No)

  • have animals as characters? Y
  • use rhyme? N
  • teach a lesson of some kind? Y
  • have monsters or creatures? Y
  • have kids as characters? Y
  • have adults as characters? Y
  • use humor? Y
  • have illustrations? Y
  • use color? Y
  • use actual photos? Y
  • have a more sentimental/lovey tone? Y
  • lots of words per page? Y
  • one word or phrase repeated throughout? N
Favorite Quote:
"Oh, please don't leave me." Belle pleaded. She rested her head on his chest and sobbed. "I love you."

I think this book would be appropriate for ages 5+ because there are lots of words used on each individual page.

I would have LOVED this book as a kid because DISNEY. And DISNEY is life. <3


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Scavenging for Photos

This is one of my good friends- Sarah. We met freshman year and let me just
say every time we are together, we are always laughing- whether it be
about something serious to something comical.

This is one of my best friends- Alexis. We met freshman year and she has taught
me much throughout my high school life. She has taught me to be more
laidback and chill as school can stress me out sometimes.
She has also taught me many a things with her jokes and such, but
that's for another time. #GreekMutterMutter
This is one of the librarians here at KHS- Mrs. Bernskoetter. She is one of my favorite
people ever. She is so sweet and helpful and always has a smile on her face. She's
like a ray of sunshine on a rain day. I hope to become an individual who
resembles the same traits Mrs. B has. #BookwormBernskoetter
As I am an avid reader, I could not choose just one novel. Instead I chose the entire series. This series,
The Trylle trilogy, is phenomenal! I love love love it! I read this series sophomore year and
then re-read it the following year. It just OH SO GOOD. #LokiStaadMoreLikeLokiStud
Squares, and squares, and squares, oh my! This is the pattern of the
stairs in KHS's science division. They give the plain boring stairs
not only a design, but give traction as well. #HowVersatile
This lovely photo was designed by a student at KHS. It is hung in a
 hallway in the school known as the Art Walk of Fame. Seen by
all, I pass this piece of art everyday. #MuchCubism 
This bad boy was taken at one of my best friend's 16th birthday party. We
played some messy twister (with paint) and she set up this little area
with lights to sit. Whilst in the chair, I laid down on it looking
up at the sky to take this photo, #TheGraken
AP Biology- oh what a delight. Or so I've heard.
These are the notes of my fellow friend
Miss Taylor Brown. Her handwriting is
so pretty as she mixes print with
cursive. #DatHandwritingDoe
This lovely plant resides in the science wing
of KHS- planted by the school's gardening club
under the set of stairs I spoke of earlier.
They are breathtaking,as the plant is
made up of brightly colored leaves.
 #UnknownSpecies #EvenGoogleDidntKnow
This is my car. I thought he looked like a face,
with his little mustache- The eyes as the headlights and the
Toyota symbol as the nose. #Jeffrey
Appealing to the eyes, this piece of art is something that a little kid would most
likely notice at KHS. Located in the library, this artwork resides near the
entrance, displaying the talents of  a former student. It showcases
many works of fiction and fantasy that a child would
most likely recognize. #CaveOfWonders
Oh, the memories! I remember reading this series for the 1st time in middle
school when I attended Cherokee Middle School. I was a library worker at the
time, and we had the entire series there, like KHS. The books are filled
with drama and quite a riveting book series to read for a preteen girl.

Extreme dislike courses through me as I see this
in the hallways of KHS. Before 7:30 Mon-Thurs.
and before 8:10 on Fridays, the students of
KHS are blocked off from most of the
classroom areas. We are high schoolers,
not cattle, nor sheep, we do not need to
 be herded like them. #OhHeckNo
To me friendship is one of the most beautiful things. I love all
of my friends very dearly. These girls are some of the Book
Club (Senior) members and are some of the funniest and
kindest people. #WeCantTakeASeriousPhotoThe1stTime
Of all things I have from Kickapoo, I believe
that will always remind me of being there. This
is the extra tassel that I have hanging in my car,
as this is my final/senior year at KHS.

'Twas the year 2006

When all hope is lost
we should look forward.
Not because we want to
Or we even have to.
We shan't lose faith either.
We must stick together,
support one another.
In times of joy,
in times of sadness
in times of weakness
in times of prosperity,
in times of weakness,
No matter whether the situation is good or bad,
we must stand together,
helping one another through everything and anything.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
What would you do if you were her?
Struggling with no home and possibly no parents.
Searching for refuge and the help of others.
Would you turn a blind eye to someone in need like this girl?
Ignore the fact that she is in need of your help,
even though she may not know you?
Would you do to help your fellow human being out?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Picture of the Past

This is my father,
putting on my shoes for me
doing what all fathers do
and helping his little girl
This is when I lived in California
not with my father
but near him

This was a time where I saw my father at least once a week

This is before the move
before I left him in California
and was brought here to Missouri

This is what I wished I had more of
more memories with him
and not just one summer a year

This is a time when life was easy
when I should have cherished the moments 

This is nothing but a memory now.