Thursday, October 30, 2014

Spooky Stories of Others

I had the delight of reading three of my other classmates "spooky stories." Here is a short synopsis of each:

Her story was about a haunted amusement park and the things that tend to go down there...

Her story was about a clown named Jim and boy is he creeeeeeepy....

Her story was about a couple and how unordinary they are, despite how ordinary they seem...

Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

(I'm sorry for giving such little detail about their stories- I just don't want to give away any spoilers! You'll just have to read them for yourselves ;3)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Yeah. Let's just go into the spooky haunted asylum. Greatttt idea."

"Come on don't be a wuss, Kara," he told me.

"This doesn't seem like a good idea Johnny," I replied.

He ignored my statement, and swept away the cobwebs covering the porch. Reluctant, I stood on the pathway before deciding to go in with him. It was already a bad idea going into this haunted asylum, but letting Johnny go alone into this, was an even worse idea.

The door gave a high-pitched creak as he slowly pushed the door open. A soft thud was heard as the door had opened all the way. Johnny without a care, strode into the building. I followed behind, skeptical of what was to come.
 I could tell already, things we're going to go wrong. And they did.
Halloween night of '98 was a night I would never forget.

Twas the night of Halloween and Johnny, over here, thought it would be fun to scour the old asylum on the hill a mile away from our neighborhood. No one in their right mind, would go there. I honestly believe that Johnny doesn't use his brain sometimes. But regardless, as the good friend I am, I told him I would go with him.

But, boy oh boy. What a bad idea that was!

As night came, we walked to the asylum. Passing the small trick-or-treaters in costumes, I said my goodbyes to them in my head. I had a feeling I might not ever seem them again. But I shook of my fear, and continued going forward to the eerie building.

15 minutes later and there we were. Walking along the wrought iron fence surrounding the property, we came to the entrance, making our way to the front of the building. We came to a stop at the end of the path. Johnny and I stood in front of the asylum, taking it all in. It was covered in overgrown vines, and cobwebs. Of course to add to the spooky feeling, the wind blew through the nearby trees, creating the sound of a low howl.

"Let's go in!" Johnny exclaimed.
"Hm. Yeah. Let's just go into the spooky haunted asylum. Greatttt idea." I responded, with a sprinkle of sarcasm in my voice.
"Come on don't be a wuss, Kara," he told me.
"This doesn't seem like a good idea Johnny," I replied.

He ignored my statement, and swept away the cobwebs covering the porch. Reluctant, I stood on the pathway before deciding to go in with him. It was already a bad idea going into this haunted asylum, but letting Johnny go alone into this, was an even worse idea.

The door gave a high-pitched creak as he slowly pushed the door open. A soft thud was heard as the door had opened all the way. Johnny without a care, strode into the building. I followed behind, skeptical of what was to come.

As soon as we were inside, the door slammed shut. I turned at the noise, as I saw the door close.

"JOHNNY. I told you this wasn't a good idea!" I yelled.

I turned back around, Johnny nowhere to be found. 


No respone.Then I heard a voice. "Help me."

"Johnny! Is that you?"

No response again.

I ran to the door, attempting to open it. The handle wouldn't budge. LOCKED. Awesome.

I looked around and decided to go down the hallway to my right. There was a flashlight on the floor and I figured it might help so I picked it up. Turning it on, it brightly shone its light down the eerie hallway. I took small steps down the hall looking for Johnny and a way out. I heard noises coming from the room three doors down on my left. Skeptical, I walked to the door, and stood in front of it. Grabbing the handle, I slowly opened the door.

Inside there was a small chair in the corner with a teddy bear sitting on it.

A child stood there. Staring at me. "Help me," she said.

"What do you need help with? What's wrong?" I asked

"He killed me here. It's not safe. Run while you still can," she spoke with a dead look in her eyes.

"He? Who is he?.... Wait. You're dead?" I responded.

"It's too late. He knows you're here. He has your friend." Vanishing into thin air, I was left alone standing in the cold, creepy room.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there a man stood. He had no face; he was the embodiment of evil.

Gripping my shoulder, he stuck the knife into my lower back. Blood oozed from my back, staining my white shirt. He said nothing. Taking out the knife, he began to repeatedly stab me. Screaming in pain and agony, there was nothing I could do. I fell to the floor. Finding a candlestick on the floor, I impaled it into his head, causing him to fall on his back. I got up as fast as I could and ran down the hallway of the asylum.

Clutching at some of my wounds, I could hear the voices as I limped down the blood stained hallways. "You should have stayed away." "No one can ever escape." "He always finds you." I made my way all the way to the end of the hall. I was cut off. This was the end. He inched closer to me, and stabbed me once more, before I fell to the ground once more, my eyes slowly shutting
I woke up. 

"What a nightmare!" I said.


I shot straight up as I heard the voice. It was the little girl in my nightmare.

Confused at first, I brushed it off and answered, "Yeah, but what am I doing taking to a hallucination?"

"I'm not a hallucination, and neither is he." she replied pointing to the figure casting from the hallway light.

I turned towards the figure. It was him. Looking down at the bed, I found myself lying in a puddle of blood.

"EHEEHEEHEEHEE. YOU'RE MINE NOW." The man with no face said.

Then everything went black.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What is my costume for Halloween this year?

The best costume I ever wore is one I have not worn yet. My costume for this year is by far my favorite. As I am now 17, my mother believes that she does not need to "buy" me a costume. So my original plan was to be Wendy (from Peter Pan) for Halloween. It seemed simple enough. She wears a plain blue nightgown with a ribbon across it and black flats, with a ribbon holding her ringlets curls. However, I had SO MUCH trouble finding a blue nightgown. I looked at two different thrift shops, Target, and Walmart, not having any luck whatsoever. Everything I found either was not of the right style, had a pattern on it, or both. I gave up on that costume a bit earlier this month, as I could find nothing that would match her outfit. 

So I moved onto the idea of being a black cat for Halloween. NOPE.

I thought "Hey that's simple enough, I just need to make some cat ears and wear all black." I even thought about how I could tie it into Disney. I could be Berlioz, the cute little black kitten from The Aristocats. I could tie a red ribbon around my neck, and presto. 

But then, the fall carnival, here at Kickapoo was this past weekend. I thought about being a cat, as I was helping out with it and wanted to dress up (since we were allowed to). But I thought "Nah. I'll be a cat on Halloween." So I went to the carnival dressed as a 50's sockhop girl, wearing my mom's old costume. (I had a matching one when I was younger that I wore out- I wore it for Halloween at least three years...) 

At the carnival I saw SO MANY girls dressed as cats. I then realized how generic being a cat is, so I got rid of that idea really quick. So what was I suppose to be now?

Well then, an amazing idea came to me. I COULD BE _________ FROM ______ (it's a surprise- but I will give hints ;D) This character is one of my FAVORITE characters for one of my FAVORITE movies. (I've seen this movie 3 times at the movie theater- Once this summer, and the two other times, this past month at the Palace.) I posted a gif of this character in one of my earlier blog posts and the movie this character is from is in my movie section in my Fandoms! 

I'm currently making this character's outfit... Or parts of it. I was actually watching the first movie, since I'm making the character's outfit/get-up from the second movie it is in. It's so AWESOME. I actually have battle wounds from my hardcore crafting of this outfit last night. I burn my leg twice with a glue gun, and yeah... Oops. Whatever, IT IS WORTH IT. I'll be wearing this costume on Thursday of this week (since its a spirit week and Thursday is Halloween Costumes since we don't have school on Friday, Halloween). I will also be wearing this costume on Halloween (obviously). But yeah. Be prepared.

This is Halloween.

The spookiest night of the year.
That weird holiday we celebrate.
Dressing up,
Disguising our true selves.
Costumes of animals, witches, celebrities, and so much more.
Orange and black carved pumpkins sitting on porches.
 Children run up to the door, 
Decoration bats and ghosts hang above the door.
They ring the doorbell,
The door opens,
Their eyes lighting up at the sight of candy.
The friendly hosts hand out a small handful of sweets to each child.
"Thank you! Happy Halloween!" 
"You too!"
The children run off to the next house.
Too-cool-for-school teenagers hide in the bushes,
Wearing a wolf costume,
Waiting to frighten the small passing children.
The wind howls through the leafy trees,
Covered in decoration spider webs.
The teenagers jump out of the shrubbery.
The children scream.
"That was scary! Meanies!"
The children stick out their tongues at the hooligans,
Running off to the next lighted house.
Nothing could ruin their night.
Tonight means free candy,
Staying up late,
And dressing up.
A child's dream. 

Please ignore the fact that they are chocolate bunnies- you get the point. Hopefully. ;3

My Love For You Consumes Me

(Inspired by Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton)

The sun has gone,
I sit there alone now,
In my room contemplating what is to be.
To love or not to love,
What would my life be like without it?
You consume my thoughts.
Unintentionally, everything reminds me of you.
Taking over my life slowly,
I need to let you go.
Someday soon, I'll let you know,
The feelings locked away in my heart.
But for now they're my little secret.
Eventually parting ways,
I should just let you go.
It's just too hard.
These feelings slowly eating at my soul.
I must shut them out.
Adieu, to this love.
Maybe I'll see you another day.

So much seriousness; I just had to post a funny gif relating to the poem. ;D

Friday, October 24, 2014

Right in the Feels

I miss the conversation,
Cause all of me
Loves all of you
I like to think that we had it all
I was there for you
So I wonder where were you
When I was at my worst
You said you had my back
 Oh baby why did you run away?
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down.

I don't know why but my remake of a song is all feelsies.

School of Rock

I scoured through my school and asked various teachers about their input on music. This is what they said.

What music or songs reminds you of your childhood?
Mrs. Bernskoetter (Librarian): Particle Man
Mrs. Wooderson (Librarian): Nursery Rhymes

Who is your favorite singer or group or song?
Mrs. Bernskoetter (Librarian): Iron & Wine
Mrs. Wooderson (Librarian): Billy Joel

Which music or artist do you really dislike or refuse to listen to?
Mrs. Bernskoetter (Librarian): Rap, anything that talks about bad things in society
Mrs. Wooderson (Librarian): Barry Manilow

Monday, October 20, 2014

My Way (with Music)

When you listen to music, what feelings/emotions does it evoke?
  • When I listen to my sweet jams, there are all sorts of feelings. It depends on the music genre or artist I choose to listen to. Here is a list of emotions with the genre or artist that makes me feel that emotion.
    • Happy- IM5. PTX, The Filharmonic, Frank Sinatra
    • Calm- Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Vasi Hunton
    • Sad/Dramatic- some Avril Lavigne songs, Troye Sivan
    • Dance-y: Foreign music (K-Pop, Spanish music, anything mainstream/played repetitively on the radio
    • Sing-Songy (Makes me want to sing sing sing): Disney, IM5, Movie Soundtrack Songs, Elvis
Music is just:

What is your favorite song? Why? Is it connected to a certain time, event, or place?
  • Like movies, I have no one favorite song. However two of my favorite songs are classics: Fly Me to The Moon (In Other Words) by Frank Sinatra and I Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley. These songs are just so calming and soothing. I'm not sure my love for these songs can be put into words. Or at least not as well. They're just. OH SO GOOD. I can't remember where my love for Frank began or started, but it is there. Now for Elvis, I love the movie Lilo & Stitch. I would watch it a lot when I was younger. I even have the Lilo & Stitch CD which looks like a little record. I grew up listening to Elvis, so yeah.

I mean look at him. AH. AH. AH.

Do your friends listen to the same styles of music as you? What do you think this means?
  • Yes and no. For example my best friend, Jessica, listens to IM5 like me. But then she listens to country music as well, which I can not stand. My friends and I share some of the same taste in music, but not all the same. This means that they have really good taste in music and that they enjoy listening to different styles. There's not some symbolic meaning behind sharing the same taste in music. It just means there's a commonality between you. I also like almost all kinds of music, so I share a similar taste in music with almost all of my friends.

Is there any style of music that should not be tolerated? Why?
  • (WARNING: This is just my opinion, please don't hate me for it...) I can not stand country music or screamo. Country music all sounds the same to me, and I don't know how to describe the reasons why I don't like it. I just- I didn't grow up with it so maybe that's why? I'm not sure but I DON'T LIKE IT. I also cannot stand screamo. I grew up listening to heavy metal, so it's not that I don't like the "head-banging" kind of music. But screamo is just-. You can't hear what they're saying since they're screaming. And it's EXTREMELY loud. I just personally dislike this music and think that it should not be tolerated.


 Favorite movie?
  • I personally don't have one favorite movie; I love TOO many movies to just choose one. However, a few of my favorite movies are The Host, Sixteen Candles, any Marvel and/or Disney movie, and HTTYD 1 & 2. I don't really know how to explain why I like them, but these movies are just oh so good. I'm always up for fantasy movies (which the majority of these are animated or fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian) because you are enveloped in a world of magic and awesomeness. You are just able to escape from reality and divulge in something amazing.

I mean who doesn't love that adorable dragon face?

 Movies I don't care for?
  • I like almost every kind of movie genre, except documentary and horror. While I can tolerate a documentary, horror is a no go for me. I don't mind the blood and guts as I grew up watching action movies like the Terminator movies and Mortal Kombat; its the suspense of the killers. I hate surprises. And to top it of the majority of horror movies fall into two categories; the first containing a female lead who happens to disregard any logic and does stupid things in attempts to save herself, which ultimately lead to her death. Then there's the second category; the kind of horror movie which gives you nightmares for days.... or forever... So in all horror movies are BAD. nononononononononononono.

How often and where?

  • I generally like to watch movies... a lot. But not too much. I probably watch anywhere from 1-3 movies a week. It really depends on my homework load, whether I have a club/tech after school, if it's my night to cook dinner. When I can fit watching a movie into my schedule, without a doubt I'm watching one. Now, I normally like to watch my movies in my room on my laptop, but sometimes I like to sit in my basement and watch them on the television down there. It just depends on the situation. (Sidenote: Mostly, I enjoy watching tv series on Netflix- OUAT, DW, Psych, Sherlock, you name it I have probably seen it.)

Necessities for movie watching?
  • The only necessity I need for movie watching is food and a blanket. Who needs people to watch movies with you when you are in the company of two others? Me, myself and I?

According to this survey this is my personality:


You are moderate in activity and enthusiasm. You enjoy the company of others but you also value your privacy. 

I'm an awkward human being. Sorry 'bout it. #deuces


You are generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but you can sometimes be stubborn and competitive. 

Mhmm, yeah.


You are dependable and moderately well-organized. You generally have clear goals and are able to set goals aside. 

I'll be the Sherlock to your Watson. We could be BFF's.


You are sensitive, emotional and prone to experience feelings that are upsetting. 

Same, Pippin, same.


You are practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. You try to seek a balance between the old and the new.

Me out trying new things

And these are my apparent reasons for movie watching:
  •  NOSTALGIA: 65%
  •  CATHARSIS: 35%
  •  AGGRESSION: 75%
  •  ESCAPISM: 75%
  •  ARTISTIC: 35%

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Book Fangirling

Despite the fact that this blog is used mostly for my Creative Writing class, I wanted to share a fangirl moment I had this past Tuesday. I had just renewed To All The Boys I Loved by Jenny Han. I had checked it out 2 weeks earlier, but as I had not the chance to read it, I renewed it.

Now, most of the time I normally don't have a lot of time to just sit around and just read a book, without interruptions. However, I had a few long periods of time, which I could read; so as the avid reader I am/KHS Book Club President, I read and read and read. And for the first time in a while I was able to finish a book in one day.

This book...
It just..
There were so many feels...
And I...

I can't even begin to explain how AMAZING this novel was/is. Jenny Han is without a doubt one fan-freakin'-tastic author. Her novel just brought out so many emotions in me. There were times of "awwwww", "i hate you", "whyyyyyyy?", "did you just-?", "i ship you two so much right now", "nononononononononononono", and so many other phrases.

To All The Boys I Loved, is OH SO GOOD. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It's definitely one of my new favorite books. I gotta hand it to Ms. Han for writing such a book. THANK YOU JENNY HAN!

The evidence: 10/14/14 9:56pm
BUT WAIT. Here's the fangirl part. I tweeted about how amazing the book was and how excited I am for the sequel PS I Still Love You (which sadly doesn't come out until June 2nd of 2015- that made me want to flip tables because of how much time there is between now and then, but that's a TOTALLY different story; maybe for another time...). Anyway, I mentioned Jenny in the tweet ( which is @jennyhan if you want to follow her) and she favorited my tweet. Now, I know this isn't "that big of a deal." Most people would be like "oh cool." But me. OH MY SWEET PANCAKES. I about flipped out. The fact that she favorited it meant she read the tweet. She didn't even need to reply to me. Favoriting it was PLENTY. I was like "OHEMGEE" and told ALL of my friends the following morning at school. They all gave me looks of "ohhhh-kay" and "wowwwww." This was just. I was so. I can't even portray the emotions I felt. It was just so awesome.

And that my friends is an episode in which I fangirled about a book and its author.

IT HAPPENED AGAIN: 10/18/14 5:55pm

Friday, October 17, 2014

All About Dan IRL

What are three tips you would give parents of teenagers?
  • Don't compare your first-born child to your younger children; by doing this, you set too high of expectations for the younger ones.
  • Don't get mad when your children answer the phone, if you do the same when they call you.
  • Beware: teenage girls are VERY moody (trust me, I know)
What is something most people don't know about you?
  • When people say they don't like reading, on the inside I'm just staring at them with an "oh really?" look. HOW CAN ONE NOT ENJOY READING? What are you? Gaston?

Can you know in three days that you love someone?
  •  See with this question, it all depends. I personally could never "fall in love" with someone in three days. I'm the kind of person who wants to know the personality and the ways of acting of my special other, before I could commit to anything. I think it's better to get to know a person, and fall in love with them and more specifically there personality. The way someone treats others, the way they respond to others actions, their quirks, those take time to find. So I don't think you can fall in love with someone or love someone in three days. However, I'm the kind of girl who can fall in love with a book character, *insert snap* like that. So I don't know or think there is a right answer to this question. Books just give me so many feels, that I can't help it.
Literally *ba dum tssss*

Have you ever fallen for a friend's mate? Has a friend ever fallen for yours? What happened?
  • Well, I have never personally experienced "being in love." So no, I've never fallen for a friend's mate nor has a friend ever fallen for my "mate", since I have never had one. I feel that having a beloved is not a necessity at my age, but a large chunk of females in my school would probably disagree. At this time in my life, school is most important along with the company of my friends. I mean who wants to have a boyfriend, when you could read books and eat food, or draw, watch Netflix, and eat food?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What Seems to be Fall

I see my neighbors,
Their family of three.
Gathered in the kitchen doing thee own things.
The mom decorating the house,
Her son eating all the candy on the bowl on the table.

Rushing in from the living room,
The father comes in to help.
His hair disheveled, tie loosened, beads if sweat gathered at his forehead,
he seemed to have had a long day at work.

It's always like this.
Organized chaos, one might call it.
The life of my neighbors;
Busy, busy, busy.

The  leaves have begun to fall;
I see the vivid oranges, yellows, and browns lying beneath my window.
I glance back up at my neighbors,
They see me and wave;
How unusual.
They never seem to notice me.

But something's different;
The boy is in a ninja costume,
His parents in a king and queen outfit.

I look over to the trees nearby, yet still far away;
Cobweb decorations woven through the forest,
With an iron-wrought fence at the entrance,
Making it a bit spookier than usual.
I see, what seems to be people, farther off, past the forest;
They wander through the ruins of the haunted castle.

What is today again?
Oh, it must be Halloween.

Painting by Edward Hopper

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dealings of Secrets

It had always been this way; People would stare as I walk by with this clown master of mine. You see I am a part of what you call "underground smuggling." Things were different when I was young. I had a family. But then... there was the Cold war; and everything that I held dear to me was taken from me. I was left an orphan on the streets of St. Petersburg. Wandering, I searched for shelter and some possible food. All the people who saw me, quickly glanced at me with a head shake of disapproval. You would think that people would have been more understanding, since people were dying by the thousand.

It was a harsh winter, and I was struggling to find anything. Having no food, no shelter, I stumbled in what was left of my shoes, through the snow. I wrapped myself tighter in the fur coat, I luckily found while wandering the streets. The wind picked up, the snow falling harder and more constant. I felt like I was going to die. I was on the verge of passing out when Pavel saved me. In a long coat, and suit, he took me to his home. The circus. He raised me, and took me in when nobody else would. He is my savior. And to return the favor, I am his assistant. Despite the fact, that I would rather not be involved in this “business,” I am grateful to have someone to call my family; even though he’s always in the clown costume. But what are you to do when you are a man being hunted and your smuggling illegal substances?

These men we have recently begun dealing with, are suspicious to me. They keep staring and they tend to whisper to each other when they think Pavel is not looking. Whisper, whisper, whisper. These monsters stare at me with lustful eyes. I scoot closer to Pavel, clinging onto his sleeve from behind, in an unnoticeable manner. He understand my fear, and looks to me, cigarette in his mouth, before continuing his talk of business. As the men keep conversing, I see something in the distance on the building, straight across from this Oceanside restaurant. Squinting, I see him. It’s an assassin, and I’m probably sure he is a part of the same group these two hooligan idiots are in that are talking to Pavel. Discreetly, I tap his shoulder three times. He knows the signal. Pavel rushes to stand, grabbing me, beginning to duck for cover, and then I hear a BANG.

Painting by Edward Hopper