Saturday, December 27, 2014

Story Ideas Come From the Weirdest Things

So I admit it. I tend to, what you call, "Facebook creep" on people. And don't get the wrong idea or anything at the context you may get from that phrase. In my confession of this, let's put all judgement aside for a quick second.

Here's how it normally goes down.

I'm just checking my Facebook, like any other day, scrolling through my timeline. When suddenly someone I'm friends with posts a picture. So I click on the picture, like (if I truly do), and then go about my business.

But sometimes, I end up at that person's profile. And I look at their pictures. And then when looking through some of their older pictures, I see someone else. Then the though of "Oh I wonder how their doing?" pops into my head and next thing I know I'm at that person's profile.

Now you may be thinking, "Wow. She's such a creepy weirdo." But hold the phone. Let's be honest. You probably do this all the time. Don't deny it. We both know it's true. But it's okay your secret is safe with me.

Anyway, the point of this post, is that in this little "Facebook creeping" I partook in, an idea for a story came into my head. Now, I plan to follow through with this story and finish it, no matter how long it takes (even though I just started it). So I'm curious. Would it be best to post my story here? Or post it on my Wattpad? I normally just read other peoples' stories and fanfics on their, but I'm willing to post my own stories on their too...

So what do you think? Here? There? Nowhere- Just keep it to myself? This is just my late night/early morning thoughts, as it is 1:41 in the morning on this fine day of December 27th.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

101 Things About Me, Liana Marie

1.      I LOVE Disney.
2.      My favorite number is nine.
3.      Sometimes my friends can’t tell when I’m being sarcastic and I find it humorous.
4.      I will love lemonade and artificially flavored tea.
5.      I am a #5er for life.
6.      Converse are my favorite kind of shoes.
7.      I never would have thought I would make such good friends over the internet.
8.      My procrastination level has risen as I’ve reached senior year. THE SENIORITIS IS STRONG. VERY STRONG.
9.      Reading gives me a sense of adventure, escaping this reality for another.
10.  I tend to want to buy everything… Money burns a whole in my pocket.
11.  I could watch the movie Austenland over and over again. I actually did- I watched it five times in one weekend.
12.  When I was eight, I accidentally sat in ketchup… twice, on a camping trip.
13.  I love using puns for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. ~heehee
14.  I enjoy wearing fun patterned socks, especially holiday socks.
15.  I love change… (like money change).
16.  My friends Hannah and Annie are the sole reason I started watching Sherlock. #IamSherlocked
17.  I am 33% emotionally stable (according to a quiz I took). This is true as the FEELS are REALS.
18.  I’m not a huge fan of peanuts, but I love peanut butter – especially eating a spoonful of the crunchy kind.
19.  My favorite book series is the Trylle Triology by Amanda Hocking.
20.  I got my driver’s license this year (2014) on Halloween.
21.  I have a keyboard and acoustic guitar, but don’t know how to play either of them.
22.  At least once a month (if not more), I go with my grandma to Bingo.
23.  I may have an apple juice addiction…
24.  I love buying notebooks… A lot of them are blank and lying in different places in my room.
25.  Despite the fact I feel out of place when shopping at Hot Topic, it is my favorite store in the Battlefield Mall.
26.  I love fleece blankets, they just feel so soft.
27.  When I was in kindergarten, there was a boy named Paco, who had a crush on me and brought me a rose for Valentine’s Day.
28.  I tend to stress over the little things.
29.  I enjoy making collages. THEY’RE JUST SO MUCH FUN.
30.  Cannah and Willsha is life.
31.  Of all the Disney princesses, I think I’m most like Belle with a little mix of Mulan.
32.  I am currently president of the only clubs I have been in all four years of high school.
33.  I lived in California for nine years before moving to Missouri.
34.  My grandma is full-fledged Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines, making me ¼ Filipino.
35.  Reading fanfictions is my thing. It may be a problem.
36.  I love putting ribbons in my hair.
37.  At first, I’m quite shy when meeting new people; but then once you get to know me I can’t stop talking.
38.  I love Christmas music, but I refuse to listen to it before December 1st.
39.  I cannot stand nail polish. I have tried to wear it or get them done, but they always get chipped. I prefer a clear coat, calling it good.
40.  My band member crush is William Jay Behlendorf.
41.  One of my favorite memories is when I went to an IM5 concert in Kansas City with my best friend, Jessica and we got to meet the boys.
42.  I love road trips and just traveling in general.
43.  I don’t know why, but I enjoy the smell of cleaning products.
44.  I’ve always wanted an older brother, or a sibling and I got one after what felt like forever. (My sister and I are fifteen years apart- She was born in November 2012)
45.  Since I’ve moved here to Missouri, every summer, I fly out to California to visit my dad and other relatives for 3-6 weeks.
46.  My parents were never “married.”
47.  I may be Filipino, but I don’t really like seafood… at all.
48.  I love baking desserts and giving them to people. I love to see the smiles on their faces when they get take their first bite into the dessert.
49.  Some of my favorite “older” movies included Napoleon Dynamite, Sixteen Candles, Can’t Hardly Wait, Breakfast Club, Clueless, She’s All That, and many more~!
50.  I have never broken a bone.
51.  I hate the smell of my hair after I have straightened it; it smells weird to me.
52.  For the past three years, I have had a crush on my best guy friend.
53.  Super Smash Bros Brawl is my favorite Wii game.
54.  I don’t know why, but I enjoy doodling on my hands.
55.  One of my fondest childhood memories is playing Dynasty Warriors, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat on the Playstation 2 with my dad.
56.  I love love love mugs oh so much.
57.  I love retro-y t-shirts because they’re comfy and just awesome.
58.  My parents call me Punky Brewster when they see what I’m wearing for the day.
59.  I have not had my first boyfriend or first kiss yet.
60.  I dream of one day writing a novel, and it becoming a popular book after I die.
61.  Even though, I didn’t like Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, I love her book The Host and the movie adaption. They story is amazing.
62.  My grades from freshman year and freshman year in general is something I want to forget… for the most part. There were some good things, like the friends I made.
63.  I colored the ends of my hair blue the summer before junior year (June 2013) and had them until February 2014.
64.  I wish I owned more plain solid colored tees.
65.  On the back of my left leg, I have a weird shaped birthmark (it’s a bunch of medium sized uneven spots.
66.  I really want a collie for a pet.
67.  I love to doodle and paint things.
68.  My time management skills are basically nonexistent.
69.  Since I have discovered BBC shows/movies, I cannot stop watching them.
70.  I am in way too many fandoms to count.
71.  My TV Show OTP (one true pairing) is Captain Swan.
72.  Sometimes I imagine future scenarios in my head, based on my choices.
73.  Even though I love fanfics, I cannot stand the misuse of grammar in them.
74.  I am super tacky, but in the best way.
75.  I always wanted to be a girl scout, but I never actually decided to become one.
76.  I’d have to say my made-from-scratch brownies, are my best homemade dessert.
77.  I love the smell of new books.
78.  One time in middle school, my friends and I got into a jell-o fight at school. I was there, but more as a bystander than a participant.
79.  Lilo & Stitch was my favorite Disney soundtrack growing up.
80.  Money burns a whole in my pocket.
81.  I love watching YouTube videos; I can spend hours doing it.
82.  I cannot stand wearing flip flops unless I’m at the pool, beach, or a place with water.
83.  I love How To Train Your Dragon so much that I made a Toothless costume for Halloween… and I’m 17 years old.
84.  I grew up listening to heavy metal and alternative music.
85.  I love bread so much, that I imagine I’m Aladdin when I eat loaves of bread.
86.  I tend to refrain from drama because drama is problematic and it’s ew.
87.  I have a very big imagination, as I’m always creating “what if” scenarios in my head.
88.  I like to consider myself a professional fangirl.
89.  My favorite color was always changing as a child. I like to think that my favorite color now is blue.
90.  I love to look at old photos and reminisce in my memories.
91.  I love buttons; both the kind on clothes and the kind with a pin on the back.
92.  My favorite clothing time period is the 50’s.
93.  My favorite girl scout cookies are samoas, and thin mints
94.  I take pride in being “the nerd” of most of my friend groups.
95.  I like cold pizza for breakfast.
96.  Even though it was A LOT of work and time, I enjoyed being a techie for Kickapoo’s rendition of the Sound of Music.
97.  I feel a need to get all A’s because my parents expect me to do well in school.
98.  My (fashion) look would be a t-shirt, jeans and converses.
99.  Even though I’m scared of the future, I like to imagine what it’s going to be like.
100.  I tend to binge watch TV shows.
101.  My friends and family mean everything to me.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Food is da real mvp.


One of my most memorable food memories I have had happened when I was about 5. I did not want to eat my peas, so my mom made me sit at the table all night long. I ended up sitting there for most of the night. Long after my mom went to bed, I left the table, and crawled into my own. I don't know why but I remember this "food memory" very vividly. I personally still don't like peas, but I mean I will eat them/tolerate them.

Now we were given some questions about food and here's my opinion and that of a few of my Drama Tech friends.

Q: How often do you cook?
A: I cook dinner for my family twice a week- Mondays and Thursdays
Josh ~ "I don't."

Q: What are your specialties (dishes or foods you know how to make well or make often)?
A: My specialty would have to be Mexican dishes. I love making and eating it.
Grace ~ "Snickerdoodles."

Q: What healthy foods do you eat?
A: Lol. What's healthy food? JUST KIDDING. I LOVE bananas, apples, yogurt, and spinach (but not all together, of course).
Tinlley ~ "Asparagrus, artichokes, lettuce... 
(she kept listing all da greens and basically anything and everything healthy)"

Q: What are your favorite unhealthy foods?
A:  CHIPS. (◕ヮ◕)*:・゚✧ I MAY have a slight chip addiction....
Taylor ~ "Popcorn, pizza, popcorn, CAAAAAAAAKE, anything with calories."

Q: If you could have one meal every day of your life, what would it be?
A: This may be because I just recently ate this dish, but teriyaki chicken and soba noodles.
Cassie ~ "Dinner. Basically pie."

Q: What food(s) remind you of your childhood?
A: Chicken Fingers, Duvalin, and Hershey's Cookies & Cream Chocolate Bars
Alexis ~ "Pina Colada."

Q: What food(s) did you refuse to eat as a child?
Jada (@jadacattt) ~ "Tomatoes. Cornbread."

Q: Which foods have you learned to like or changed your mind about that you never used to eat?
A: Veggies... (well some of them...)
Katlyn ~ "Potato salad."

Q: What will the menu be at your family's Thanksgiving next week? Lunch or dinner?
A: Turkey probably... and all the helpings. (Dinner)
Paige ~ "Turkey stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce - but nobody eats it."

Q: Who is the best cook in your family? What food(s) do you connect to that person?
A: My grandma - Filipino food and eggs.
Garrett ~ "Me - Konk salad."

Q: What food do you like to smell?
A: Baked goods and potatoes.... MMMMMM. Potatoes.
Josh ~ "Dessert foods. I quite like the smell of dessert foods."

Q: What are your favorite restaurants?
A: Any Mexican or Italian restaurant
Natalie ~ "China King."

Q: What is your earliest food memory?
A: Chicken Fingers
Jasmine ~ "Fudgesicles, oreos, and birthday cake."

Q: What food do you connect with other people in your life?
A: Sister - Yogurt, Oatmeal  &  Grams - SPAM
Paige ~ "Grams - Mashed Potatoes  &  Stepdad - Hotwings"

Q: What is a food that your family eats that maybe others don't?
A: Pancit & Adobo (Filipino dishes)
Grace ~ "Arroz con pollo."

Q:What are some food you've never tried but would like to someday?
A: Flavored Kit-Kat (available in Japan)
Taylor ~ "Octopus, horse, sushi, linguine with cheese." 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Through the Inspiration of Billy Collins

Through the Ages

At 4,
     I was a cute little kid, full of imagination and giggles.

At 14,
     I was just in the beginning of that "awkward teenager phase."

At 18,
     I will probably be stressed out from the college life of maturity and responsibility.

Memories of Being Young

In and out, in and out, up and down, up and down.
My friend and I running into different rooms,
on the different levels of the house.

Giggling, smiling, having a blast,
we are balls of energy.
Imagining far off places,
castles and magic,
not everything is what it seems.

All is fun, until the doorbell rings.
That's our cue to run and hide,
for us the fun shall never die.
Into the guest room, we run inside;
Crawling under the bed, we hide.

We squeeze our small bodies,
trying to fit under the bed.
Making sure to not show our feet
nor a head.
We suppress our loud laughter,
as we hear the door open.
Hoping we are never to be found.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Title of Book: Disney's Treasury of Children's Classics
Author: N/A
Author's Bio: N/A
# of pages: 421

The cover of the book is gold and presents picture of some of the characters from the stories like Snow White, Aladdin, Pinocchio, Simba & Timon , and Beauty & the Beast.

The book in all its glory.
(Because there were so many stories, I chose Beauty & The Beast to use to answer the following questions.)

  • Prince/Beast
  • Enchantress
  • Belle
  • Gaston
  • Maurice
  • Mrs. Potts
  • Chip
  • Lumiere
  • Cogsworth

The setting happens in a town and castle in "a faraway land."

Because of her father's actions, Belle is forced to live in a castle with a Beast. Scared at first, she beginnings to grow frond of him- love him. A pursuer of Belle's becomes jealous of her feelings towards the Beast and stabs him- Belle realizes she loves the dying Beast, tells him, and he turns into a handsome prince upon this confession of love. And they all lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

(I reverted back to talking about the book in general from here on out...)

Does this book... (Yes/No)

  • have animals as characters? Y
  • use rhyme? N
  • teach a lesson of some kind? Y
  • have monsters or creatures? Y
  • have kids as characters? Y
  • have adults as characters? Y
  • use humor? Y
  • have illustrations? Y
  • use color? Y
  • use actual photos? Y
  • have a more sentimental/lovey tone? Y
  • lots of words per page? Y
  • one word or phrase repeated throughout? N
Favorite Quote:
"Oh, please don't leave me." Belle pleaded. She rested her head on his chest and sobbed. "I love you."

I think this book would be appropriate for ages 5+ because there are lots of words used on each individual page.

I would have LOVED this book as a kid because DISNEY. And DISNEY is life. <3


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Scavenging for Photos

This is one of my good friends- Sarah. We met freshman year and let me just
say every time we are together, we are always laughing- whether it be
about something serious to something comical.

This is one of my best friends- Alexis. We met freshman year and she has taught
me much throughout my high school life. She has taught me to be more
laidback and chill as school can stress me out sometimes.
She has also taught me many a things with her jokes and such, but
that's for another time. #GreekMutterMutter
This is one of the librarians here at KHS- Mrs. Bernskoetter. She is one of my favorite
people ever. She is so sweet and helpful and always has a smile on her face. She's
like a ray of sunshine on a rain day. I hope to become an individual who
resembles the same traits Mrs. B has. #BookwormBernskoetter
As I am an avid reader, I could not choose just one novel. Instead I chose the entire series. This series,
The Trylle trilogy, is phenomenal! I love love love it! I read this series sophomore year and
then re-read it the following year. It just OH SO GOOD. #LokiStaadMoreLikeLokiStud
Squares, and squares, and squares, oh my! This is the pattern of the
stairs in KHS's science division. They give the plain boring stairs
not only a design, but give traction as well. #HowVersatile
This lovely photo was designed by a student at KHS. It is hung in a
 hallway in the school known as the Art Walk of Fame. Seen by
all, I pass this piece of art everyday. #MuchCubism 
This bad boy was taken at one of my best friend's 16th birthday party. We
played some messy twister (with paint) and she set up this little area
with lights to sit. Whilst in the chair, I laid down on it looking
up at the sky to take this photo, #TheGraken
AP Biology- oh what a delight. Or so I've heard.
These are the notes of my fellow friend
Miss Taylor Brown. Her handwriting is
so pretty as she mixes print with
cursive. #DatHandwritingDoe
This lovely plant resides in the science wing
of KHS- planted by the school's gardening club
under the set of stairs I spoke of earlier.
They are breathtaking,as the plant is
made up of brightly colored leaves.
 #UnknownSpecies #EvenGoogleDidntKnow
This is my car. I thought he looked like a face,
with his little mustache- The eyes as the headlights and the
Toyota symbol as the nose. #Jeffrey
Appealing to the eyes, this piece of art is something that a little kid would most
likely notice at KHS. Located in the library, this artwork resides near the
entrance, displaying the talents of  a former student. It showcases
many works of fiction and fantasy that a child would
most likely recognize. #CaveOfWonders
Oh, the memories! I remember reading this series for the 1st time in middle
school when I attended Cherokee Middle School. I was a library worker at the
time, and we had the entire series there, like KHS. The books are filled
with drama and quite a riveting book series to read for a preteen girl.

Extreme dislike courses through me as I see this
in the hallways of KHS. Before 7:30 Mon-Thurs.
and before 8:10 on Fridays, the students of
KHS are blocked off from most of the
classroom areas. We are high schoolers,
not cattle, nor sheep, we do not need to
 be herded like them. #OhHeckNo
To me friendship is one of the most beautiful things. I love all
of my friends very dearly. These girls are some of the Book
Club (Senior) members and are some of the funniest and
kindest people. #WeCantTakeASeriousPhotoThe1stTime
Of all things I have from Kickapoo, I believe
that will always remind me of being there. This
is the extra tassel that I have hanging in my car,
as this is my final/senior year at KHS.