Saturday, December 27, 2014

Story Ideas Come From the Weirdest Things

So I admit it. I tend to, what you call, "Facebook creep" on people. And don't get the wrong idea or anything at the context you may get from that phrase. In my confession of this, let's put all judgement aside for a quick second.

Here's how it normally goes down.

I'm just checking my Facebook, like any other day, scrolling through my timeline. When suddenly someone I'm friends with posts a picture. So I click on the picture, like (if I truly do), and then go about my business.

But sometimes, I end up at that person's profile. And I look at their pictures. And then when looking through some of their older pictures, I see someone else. Then the though of "Oh I wonder how their doing?" pops into my head and next thing I know I'm at that person's profile.

Now you may be thinking, "Wow. She's such a creepy weirdo." But hold the phone. Let's be honest. You probably do this all the time. Don't deny it. We both know it's true. But it's okay your secret is safe with me.

Anyway, the point of this post, is that in this little "Facebook creeping" I partook in, an idea for a story came into my head. Now, I plan to follow through with this story and finish it, no matter how long it takes (even though I just started it). So I'm curious. Would it be best to post my story here? Or post it on my Wattpad? I normally just read other peoples' stories and fanfics on their, but I'm willing to post my own stories on their too...

So what do you think? Here? There? Nowhere- Just keep it to myself? This is just my late night/early morning thoughts, as it is 1:41 in the morning on this fine day of December 27th.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could post it to both? I hope you will keep've got so many good ideas and a voice all your own. Take care!
