"Are you in love with him?"
"What?" I asked, and my heart dropped to my stomach. "Why would you..." I wanted to argue, but the strength had gone out of my words.
"He's in love with you." He lifted his head and looked up at me. "Do you know that?"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered. I walked over to the bed, needing to do something to busy myself, so I pulled up the sheets. "Loki is merely-"
"I see your auras," Tove interrupted me, his voice firm but not angry. "His is silver, and yours is gold. And when you're around each other, you both get a pink halo. Just now you were both glowing bright pink, and your auras intertwined."
I can't even begin to describe the feels that this passage gave me. Despite the fact that Tove and Wendy are supposed to marry, she has feelings (confused feelings) about Loki. She doesn't understand how she feels about him (because she hasn't realized it yet ;3), but Tove knows how Loki feels about Wendy.
I enjoyed this because Tove was very chill about Loki loving Wendy, because Tove and Wendy didn't actually LOVE each other. They were set up to be married because of their status and they were okay with it, because they are friends, nonetheless. It just made me so happy that Wendy is now aware of Loki's feelings for her because of Tove. Tove makes a great wing man, even though he sort of indifferent (like an acquaintance feeling almost) towards Loki. AH. ITS JUST SO CUTE. I SHIP WENDY AND LOKI. SO MUCH YES.
"So much yes." I love it! I can see why these characters would pull you in and give you such "feels." : )