A: Reading is an activity I cherish very much, so it doesn't matter where I am or how loud it is or even the lighting. As long as I can see the pages of the book and be able to read them, everything is good for me. Reading is my escape. I can get lost in the words of the author and enveloped in the story. It's as if I am apart of the story, a bystander, watching the story play in my head as I read the words. I can read most anywhere, but I enjoy reading in my room, on a fairly nice [sunny] day, with a bottle of water. I like to open up my curtains on this kind of day and lay or sit on my bed or the floor and just dive in the story.
Q: What genres (types of writing) interest you? What specifically about this genre interests you? Why are you drawn to science fiction books, for example?
A: I would have to say my favorite genres are not limited to but include: fantasy, sci-fi/dystopian, romance, and mystery novels. I would say I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi/dystopian because they let you escape into a world that you would never imagine living in. Not that some of the worlds of sci-fi/dystopian novels couldn't happen. But the probability of it happening [at least while I'm on Earth], is slim, whilst the worlds and people of the fantasy novels are least likely to ever exist [not that I don't wish that they did- because that would be the cooliest]. Now onto romance and mystery. What girl doesn't enjoy a little romance in a story? Yes, it may give the girl unlikely relationship goals, but the relationships in most of the [fantasy, sci-fi/dystopian] novels I read are just the cutest [a little overdramatic, but nevertheless cute]. And who doesn't enjoy mystery? The suspense is where they get you, leaving you wondering: Who did it? How did this person(s) do it? Why did this person(s) do it? They really get you there, and you get so engulfed in the story because you want to know.
Q: What is one of your best memories connected with reading?
A: I don't like to think that I have one best memory connected with reading. Almost every book I've read I have enjoyed, so I always have really good memories with reading. If I had to pick one, I would have to pick my summer reading book for Liberty and Law Honors. [SURPRISE- Who would've thought that someone actually enjoyed a social studies summer reading book? NOT ME. But I did.] The book I read the summer before my Junior year for this class was Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. At first I didn't enjoy it as much, since it is a LONG book. AND I DO MEAN LONG. But as I continued getting farther and farther into the novel, I began enjoying it. And even though I knew how it would end [since it's about his life], I cried. I had become so attached to Abe that I cried when they described his death. [It may sound stupid, but I don't know why. I had so MANY FEELS at the end of the novel.]
Q: What is your favorite book or series? Why is this your favorite?
A: Ooooh. Now this is a hard one. I really enjoy so many novels and book series that I don't like to pick favorites... BUT if I had to pick one, it would be the Trylle trilogy by Amanda Hocking. IT JUST SO AH. I can't even describe how happy it makes me. I actually shared this one in class, but as I am no good at public speaking, I probably made it sound really bad... IT'S REALLY GOOD THOUGH. It's about a girl named Wendy Everly. On her sixth or seventh birthday her mother tries to kill her and tells her she is not her daughter and is a monster. For this point on, Wendy sort of believes that she doesn't belong in her family. It isn't until 11 years when a young man named Finn, tells her she is a changeling and is here to take her back to her family and.... THAT SHE IS TRYLLE [code word for troll]. And no, not the troll you are thinking of right now. Not a "I WILL NOT LET YOU PASS" kind of troll. It's totally different. You'll just have to read it and find out now, won't you? (;

- Switched
- Torn
- Ascend
Q: Complete the one or more of the following sentences:
- When I finished reading ________, I was angry afterwards because....
- When I finished reading ________, I was sad because....
- When I finished reading ________, I was happy because...
A: When I finished reading Ascend, I was happy because it was the PERFECT ending. I HAD SO MANY FEELS. So many. I just can't quite describe how happy I was because I was just speechless upon finishing it, plus I don't want to spoil anything. But if you read all the books or have read them, you will know or already know how perfect the series is and how perfect the ending was. SO GOOD. SO WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE? GET OFF OF HERE AND GO READ IT, YA SILLY GOOSE.
Q: Do you think you'd ever write a book someday? Do you know what it would be about? How would you want to be described on the "About the Author" at the front of the book?
A: Now, I have thought about if I would ever write a book someday and the answer is probably yes. It would probably be a fantasy novel or science-fiction/dystopian novel since I read them the most and know more about them. On the "About the Author" part, I don't know what I would want on it. Probably a little synopsis about myself? Since the future is unknown, I don't know because I would want it to be about myself at the time I write and publish my novel. So for now, no idea. When I get a book written and have it in the works of being published, I will get back to you on that.
I can read almost anywhere, too--except the car, which really bums me out on road trips. I enjoy your enthusiastic pitches for these books you love. And you're right--some good romance in a book almost always makes it better. Especially if it's genuine and real and something you'd want for yourself.